In MMA Manager you take on the role of building a gym full of fighters. Train them in disciplines that you see fit and watch them punch, kick and wrestle their way to the top! Facing a difficult opponent? Change your tactics to counter his style! Are you missing cash to buy that shiny bench press? Increase your gym’s prestige level to attract more and better paying members!
Strive to be number one! Come join the fight!
在MMA Manager中,您将负责建立一个充满战斗机的体育馆。在您认为合适的学科上对他们进行培训,并看着他们一拳,一拳,摔跤到顶峰!面对困难的对手?改变策略以应对他的风格!您是否缺少现金购买那台闪亮的卧推机?提高健身房的声望水平,以吸引更多和收入更高的会员!